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Our Christmas Card! |
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas for the Wardell family was tons of fun. We started by having GiGi come on Thursday and sharing a yummy dinner with wonderful friends. On Friday we went to James' parents for dinner and Christmas. The boys loving seeing their Grandma and Grandpa! We really enjoyed spending time together and exchanging gifts. Later, James, Alex, and Grandpa went to see Tron while Eric took a nap and the girls played games. It was a great time to bond and laugh together. That night the boys and I prepared for Santa and we read the Christmas story. Saturday morning was filled with excitement as the boys opened their surprises from Santa! Alex and Eric loved their bicycle and tricycle from Santa and playing with their Geo-Trax that received from GiGi. Later in the day we went to my parents to have dinner and exchange gifts. We had tons of fun watching the boys ride their bikes and open their new toys. After we left we went to look at the Christmas lights at the Gullo home! It was amazing and VERY cold! Sunday took us to church, but after sacrament everyone went home except for me because Alex wasn't feeling well...he has a cold. Monday was spent shopping and eating with GiGi. Today we spent time with GiGi before she left for home. We loved having her here for so long and the boys were so sad to see her go. This week will be filled with lots of "getting things back to normal". After such a rough few weeks I am welcoming some normalcy and some time to get myself back in order. We had a wonderful Christmas and we are looking forward to the new year! I am excited to see what this year brings. Hopefully I can get back in the groove of updating this thing. So until next time...
My Rough Spot
I haven't been on my blog in so long! I figured I should update everyone on what has been making me and my life so crazy lately. It has been one emotional roller coaster for me health-wise this year. I started the year with horrible kidney problems and I am ending the year with woman problems. On December 7th I went to my OB-GYN because I was very late and had a positive pregnancy test! Finally an answer to a prayer! We were thrilled! When I went in, my hormone levels were good, but an ultrasound looked a little funny. We could see an egg sac and we could see the start of a baby, so my doctor assumed that I ovulated much later then we thought and that he would do everything in his power to keep me from having a miscarriage...this involved a lot of VERY expensive hormone therapy and lots of doctor visits and blood draws. A week later the doctor like what the blood work was showing so he decided to get another ultrasound to see how it looked. A week later we see the same thing...egg sac...no heartbeat, no development. Then I quickly realize that something is not right and the pit enters my stomach. At this point my doctor pulls me into his office and explained that I have an anembryonic pregnancy...a false pregnancy. For whatever reason, there was a pregnancy, but no baby...no baby. I am 10 weeks pregnant with nothing! My body fully believes that I am pregnant...this means cravings morning sickness and exhaustion...for nothing! This is probably one of the hardest things that I have been through. My heart aches as I think about it. I just sat there and sobbed like a baby and trying to understand what this means and what happens next. Well, then I was sent to the hospital to do all of my pre-op because I was now to have a D&C on Friday, December 17th...a week before Christmas Eve! I am an emotional hurricane for the rest of the week and two days before the surgery I get the most horrible stomach bug that makes it that much worse. The day before the surgery was rough as I had to totally rely on my Heavenly Father to help us with the money involved to get this done. The bank account said that we wouldn't have enough money, the doctor said he can't help and that I need to have this done or I can actually loose alot of blood and end up in the ER, and the hospital won't help me because i have insurance...crappy insurance...but insurance. The Lord came though and miraculously I was able to make the payment, and have the procedure done. James took the morning off to take me and be with me. I was a mess emotionally and wasn't doing well at putting on a strong face. After the procedure I woke up with tear stained cheeks and tears in my eyes...I can only figured that i cried through the procedure even though I was under anesthesia. I was heartbroken. The doctor told me that I would be emotional and that things should level out in a few weeks. I already suffer from post-partum depression and so this time, my hormones hit rock bottom very quickly and I was worse then I had ever been with either of my boys. I went home and rested and felt sore, but okay. The week before Christmas is always crazy, but it was terrible difficult this year. I wasn't only dealing with stress of gifts, baking, people, and everything Christmas brings, but also I was dealing with alot of pain and unhappiness. Life was not a happy thing for me and I just couldn't get into the Christmas spirit...I just wanted Christmas to go away! Finally I was able to get out and get my orders done and some shopping accomplished and it helped. Now Christmas has come and gone and I am totally relieved. I am praying that my body will chill out soon and I can quit feeling so crazy and that this new year will be a bit of a break from last year. I have so much to be thankful for and I am very thankful and I pray that through these trials will come lessons learned. Our Heavenly Father has blessed us as Malachi describes..."if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." Malachi 3:10.
This post has been hard to write and I am sure that there are those that will read it that will think that I shouldn't have shared this, but this is my blog, and this has been on my mind. I decided to wait to write this post until things had calmed down a bit so that i could write with a clear mind. Things are improving and I know that good things will come and I have been eternally blessed. My testimony has been strengthened beyond belief this year and i pray that next year I will learn even more.
This post has been hard to write and I am sure that there are those that will read it that will think that I shouldn't have shared this, but this is my blog, and this has been on my mind. I decided to wait to write this post until things had calmed down a bit so that i could write with a clear mind. Things are improving and I know that good things will come and I have been eternally blessed. My testimony has been strengthened beyond belief this year and i pray that next year I will learn even more.
Friday, December 10, 2010
It's Been A While
Wow, I haven't written in a while! Life is so busy, yet somehow, always the same. I just spent an hour and a half changing the look of my blog and I am still not completely satisfied, but oh well, it will do. I am super excited to be in League City for a couple of days to play with GiGi and to get our family pictures done. I have had a lot on my plate lately and when I am away from home I can relax a bit and not worry so much. There are lots of things going on in the Wardell house as we prepare for Christmas and other things. I am grateful that at times I can sit and reflect on the eternal perspective of things and re-prioritize my time and energy and feel instantly lifted and calmed by my Heavenly Father. I truly lead a blessed life with an absolutely amazing husband and two crazy boys who NEVER allow life to be dull. I will try to be more frequent in my posts and I am sure after these next few days I will have lots of fun things to update everyone on. Until next time...
Sunday, November 28, 2010
What a week! This was a great Thanksgiving that was shared with some amazing people. I was able to fill all of my orders and keep things pretty relaxed this last week. I was able to have Alex home all week for the holiday and we shared some good time together and Eric was thrilled that his brother was home all week. Thanksgiving was spent at my parent's house. There all the family gathered as well as some wonderful friends. We enjoyed great food, great conversation, and tons of laughs and smiles. I am super excited for the Christmas season to start.
On Friday, James and I camped out at Target for "Black Friday". Many people thought we were crazy, but it paid off. We were pretty cold and then a wonderful friend and her daughter heard that we were waiting in line and brought us lots of warm blankets, REALLY warm coats and a chair. I was so touched that she did that, it was pretty late. Well, we went and came out successful! We had been saving up for a new TV because ours had died and with the deal we were able to get, we got a really nice TV and had money left over. After we got home we got some rest and then started decorating the house. James only gets a few Saturdays off, so we took advantage of his Friday off and got lots of things done. The tree is up, the lights are up, my nativities are set out, and I am super excited to start the Christmas festivities. This is usually such a busy time of year, but I really hope to be able to focus on our family and on Christ. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by wonderful friends and family that are always looking out for me and are there to lend a helping hand whenever possible. So as I sit here humming Christmas carols I sign off, and until next week...
On Friday, James and I camped out at Target for "Black Friday". Many people thought we were crazy, but it paid off. We were pretty cold and then a wonderful friend and her daughter heard that we were waiting in line and brought us lots of warm blankets, REALLY warm coats and a chair. I was so touched that she did that, it was pretty late. Well, we went and came out successful! We had been saving up for a new TV because ours had died and with the deal we were able to get, we got a really nice TV and had money left over. After we got home we got some rest and then started decorating the house. James only gets a few Saturdays off, so we took advantage of his Friday off and got lots of things done. The tree is up, the lights are up, my nativities are set out, and I am super excited to start the Christmas festivities. This is usually such a busy time of year, but I really hope to be able to focus on our family and on Christ. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by wonderful friends and family that are always looking out for me and are there to lend a helping hand whenever possible. So as I sit here humming Christmas carols I sign off, and until next week...
Monday, November 22, 2010
A fun week and a relaxing weekend...
This last week was so much fun! Monday was my birthday and we had a few friends over for cake and a game of Apples to Apples. I was also able to go to League City on Monday to visit with my favoritest GiGi! On Tuesday Alex had his very first "Picture Day" at school. I am so excited to see how the pictures turned out. On Wednesday we had a day...a day to get some chores done and to catch up on some things. Thursday we all went to Alex's school so that we could watch his Thanksgiving Program and have a yummy lunch with him. He was so stinkin' adorable as he sang his songs and wore his pilgrim outfit, even if he wasn't to thrilled with his "costume". On Friday James took off half of the day so that we could get ready to go out of town.
On Friday evening, we dropped the boys off and headed out to Cleveland, TX. After a much too long drive (we got lost, no cell phone reception, middle of nowhere, and not satellite reception for Google Maps, you do the math) we made it to Artesian Lakes! This place is amazing! We stayed in a little one-room cabin on the lake! The weather was beautiful and the scenery was to die for. We enjoyed waking up to the sunrise and watching the world come to life from the front porch swing as we sipped hot chocolate. On Saturday we enjoyed a carriage ride to breakfast and a yummy breakfast. Afterwards we went horseback riding and lots of fishing! I caught 3 fish! One was BIG, but the snapping turtle ate it! I was so mad at this turtle! We had been buddies earlier as I fed him graham crackers, then he took advantage of my kindness and stole my fish and ate it! After that i caught two small fish and threw them back. We then enjoyed making smores and relaxing! On Sunday we did a little more fishing before checkout. James caught a small bass and I caught lots of trees and a nap :). I loved our weekend, but was really missing the boys and couldn't wait to see them. They greeted us with big hugs, kisses, and cuddles. Sunday night we decided to have a little fire in our backyard so the boys could roast marshmallows too. I love being home and snuggling with my boys! I am sure this next week will be busy as I fill Thanksgiving orders and also do my own preparations for the weekend, but until next time...
Alex singing his Thanksgiving songs (he's in the yellow) |
Alex in his Pilgrim Costume |
At Artesian Lakes |
The view from our porch swing |
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thankful Thursdays-Talents
Today for my Thankful Thursday post I have to express my gratitude for the talents that my Heavenly Father has given me. I have become a well rounded woman due to the talents that i have been blessed with and developed. I am especially for the talent I have for baking and cake decorating. Who would have thought that when I started taking my cake decorating classes I would be where I am today. I started taking the classes to deal with post-partum depression after I had Alex. These classes gave me a goal, independent of caring for my baby and also gave me a small break every week to socialize and to be constructive and accomplish something. I find it amazing that I now run a small business out of my home and I am even exploring my options of opening a business with a friend. I LOVE MAKING CAKES! I love providing people with a delicious dessert that is made with love and I know they will enjoy and will bring a smile to their face. I love that Heavenly Father blessed me and encouraged me through my training and has always been there to answer my prayers and helped me to continue to press forward, even when I am tired. Talents are amazing. They bless everyone, even those who do not possess them. I love that I can enjoy my friend's talents, as well as my own, and I can watch my children develop their talents and grow into well rounded young men. Thanksgiving is fast approaching and I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of my "thankful list". I am excited for the next week and I am excited that I can spend Thanksgiving with my family. Here is our "Thankful Tree" list...it is starting to really fill out...
Thursday: My Job (James)
Friday: Talents (Me)
Saturday: Flowers (Alex)
Sunday: Drink (Eric)
Monday: Health (James)
Tuesday: Friends (Me)
Wednesday: Animals (Alex)
Thursday: My Job (James)
Friday: Talents (Me)
Saturday: Flowers (Alex)
Sunday: Drink (Eric)
Monday: Health (James)
Tuesday: Friends (Me)
Wednesday: Animals (Alex)
"And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more. His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord."
(New Testament Matthew 25:20 - 21)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thankful Thursday-Veterans
Thursday has come again and I have decided to dedicate my "Thankful Thursday" to Veterans because it is Veterans Day. I am so grateful for the men and women who have fought for my freedom. I am so grateful to know many people who have served our country and I feel blessed to have them in my life. I love the opportunities I have every day to make choices and exercise freedoms that many people do not get to have every day, or even ever. I am grateful for the right to vote and to be able to voice my opinions in a peaceful and diplomatic way. We are truly blessed to live in the United States of America and we are in a choice land. Thank you to all of those brave men and women who serve or have served our country!
Our family is still working on our Thankful Tree and this is what we have since last week...
Friday- Giraffes (Eric) He wanted to put Poop...but I didn't think we should put that on the tree
Saturday- Eyeballs (Alex) because eyeballs are cooler than eyes and they're squishy
Sunday- The Gospel (James)
Monday- Knowledge (Me)
Tuesday- Trees (Eric) He tried poop again...
Wednesday- The Whole World!
Our family is still working on our Thankful Tree and this is what we have since last week...
Friday- Giraffes (Eric) He wanted to put Poop...but I didn't think we should put that on the tree
Saturday- Eyeballs (Alex) because eyeballs are cooler than eyes and they're squishy
Sunday- The Gospel (James)
Monday- Knowledge (Me)
Tuesday- Trees (Eric) He tried poop again...
Wednesday- The Whole World!
Monday, November 8, 2010
And November Begins...
I cannot believe that it already November! Time is racing by and I am trying to keep up! Our week was pretty typical as we went through our daily activities. The boys and I took a "lazy day" on Wednesday! I think we all needed it. When I asked Alex if he wanted to go to story time or to stay home, he immediately replied that he wanted to stay home. This was nice to be able to catch up on housework and get some other miscellaneous things done. I did have my follow-up ultrasound on Friday. Whatever it was that showed up last time is gone now and my doctor was VERY relieved...he even admitted that it was a miracle. I had no idea he was so worried about it, but I am glad it is gone now. This weekend was supposed to be a weekend of catching up for us. We had planned on staying home and finishing some home projects we have been working on. This of course did not happen because we were needed to help prepare for my step-sister to come to Texas and live with my parents. I am always happy to provide service, and one day, that room will be finished and painted...but that day is not today. the Primary kids are ready for the Primary Program! They are such sweet children and have worked so hard! I cannot even express how proud I am of them. I am looking forward to next Sunday being over, and I know they are too. This week is destined to be busy because the holidays are quickly approaching and my business just keep picking up. I am so excited as I begin to contemplate opening a business and taking my desserts to the next level, but we will have to wait and see. I almost forgot...on Friday a friend of ours took us to a fancy dinner! The food was amazing and the experience was so fun. It is a Brazilian meat buffet and the people come to your table and bring all kinds of gourmet and exotic prepared meat! It was so fun and we were definitely spoiled. The kids are doing well as always. The runny noses have returned and I am sure that they will not leave until summer, but I welcome the cool air. Alex is doing so well in school and really becoming quite a little man! Eric is as energetic as always, and lately VERY whiny! I sure hope his whiny-ness goes away soon because it is making me crazy! I love being a mom and we are definitely learning together as a family as we fumble through rough times and enjoy the happy times together. We are so blessed and I feel my Heavenly Father's love for us every day. Until next week my friends...
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
I decided to start posting something I am grateful for every Thursday until Thanksgiving. Who knows, maybe I will continue it after. For family home evening this week we talked about gratitude and setup our "Thankful Tree". I put this up every year and every evening we write what we are thankful for on a leaf and put it on the tree. This year we are taking turns each night. Night 1 Alex put that he is thankful for his toys. Night 2 Eric put that he is thankful for hot dogs. Night 3 James put that he is thankful for Alex and Eric. Tonight is my night and I am going to have to put, the scriptures. Today I am tremendously grateful for the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. Today we finished reading the Book of Mormon! I can't believe we did it! I have learned so much about myself, my children, the church, and especially Jesus Christ as I read the Book of Mormon aloud to the boys every morning. I am excited to start again and see what I learn this time through. When Alex asked what we are going to read now that we finished the Book of Mormon, I told him that we are going to read it again. After a serious moment of thinking and waiting to see if I was kidding, he looked at me and said, "Well, you're in charge." This kid cracks me up. I hope someday he will look back and remember our scripture breakfasts and that he will develop a love for the word of God.
"Gratitude is deeper than thanks. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts."
--President David O. McKay (Friend November 1975)
"Gratitude is deeper than thanks. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts."
--President David O. McKay (Friend November 1975)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween and Other Fall Activities
WOW! I was bad and didn't post anything last week! Last week we had a bit of a chaotic week, but ended it with a quick trip to Dallas to celebrate James' great-uncle Hal's 90th birthday! We had a great time and we were able to take the boys to the planetarium. They had a great time and we enjoyed our mini getaway.
Today we had a nice time at church and in our classes. The Primary is preparing for their program and they are getting better and better every time. I am so excited for them and I am honored to be their chorister. After church we headed to James' parents to celebrate his mom's birthday and Halloween. I have such great in-laws and I feel so blessed to have them in my life. I have been able to do a lot of thinking about gratitude and I think that for the month of November I am going to have 'Thankful Thursdays" in my blog...we will see if I can keep up and if I can keep it brief...I have SO much to be grateful for. This week so far doesn't seem too chaotic yet, but I guess we will see. So, until next week...
Alex the Astronaut |
Eric the Astronaut |
This week was PACKED! Not only did we have our regular activities and schedules, I had a HUGE cake order to fill, as well as lots of small orders. I am so grateful for many friends that are willing to help out when I need it and also around to share laughs and tears with. This last Thursday Alex had a little Fall Festival at his school. He was so adorable with his classmates and they were all dressed up and had a great time. I am grateful that I am able to be a Room Mom and help out and spend time at his school. On Friday we dashed up to Waco to pick up my brother from college and then we dashed home to pick up the last cake order of the week and head to James' work. James' work was having their grand opening/open house and it was lots of fun. The boys were able to see what Daddy does all day as well as enjoy great food and great company. On Saturday GiGi came up to Magnolia to celebrate her birthday. For the last two years we have gone to the Pumpkin Patch together and this year was no different. The boys have so much fun there and we always like to spend time together outside reminiscing and enjoying each other's company. After dinner, GiGi had to head home and we headed to our ward's activity. After lots of pizza, ice cream, and games we had our annual trunk-or-treat. The boys had a great time and we have come to realize that Eric LOVES candy and will do almost anything to get some.
Toddler Story time |
Alex and Eric showing off their craft |
Alex's Class |
Alex |
Eric |
Such handsome boys! |
Alex's and James' Pumpkins |
Sunday, October 17, 2010
A week full of busy
This week has been filled with emotion, busy-ness, and some fun too. Monday morning was a bit rocky as I had a bit of a look at myself and realized that I am not sure what makes me happy. I know, what happy is and I know when I feel it, but I don't know what I like to do on my own that makes me happy. I am always doing what other people want to do and always looking for their best interest and happiness, that I have lost myself. I have always figured that thinking of myself first was selfish, but I am starting to realize that I cannot be myself and give myself to others if I don't know who I am...I think that makes sense, well it does in my head. Anyway, after a very emotional morning, I was able to salvage my day by having lunch with my mom and going to Sam Moon. I LOVE that store and I was able to get some fun accessories for my BUNCO Halloween costume and a new wallet. Tuesday was our BUNCO Halloween get-together and we had so much fun! Most of us dressed up and shared treats and laughs. I was able to laugh until I cried and visit with women I love and forget all my issues for a couple of hours, it goes without saying but, I LOVE BUNCO!
Wednesday we skipped story time and went to GiGi's house to visit. These midday visits are too short, but still so much fun. I am so excited for the 30th to celebrate GiGi's birthday and to go to the Pumpkin Patch, it has become a tradition. Thursday i ran around like a chicken with my head cut off as I juggled babysitting kids, Alex's school, and shopping...I survived, and that's what matters. Friday I went to a baby shower for two lovely ladies! I wasn't feeling very well, but I enjoyed seeing my friends and celebrating new life coming into the world. That evening Alex had his first little sleep over! His friend's mom needed to tend to a family emergency, so we picked Alex's friend up from school and he slept over. The boys had fun and even though there were times that I was sure I wouldn't have any hair left by the time his mom came, I was glad I was able to help. This weekend was Stake Conference and it was AMAZING! On Saturday evening I was so impressed by Sister Jensen (our area Seventy's wife) and her remarks. I will always remember not to make a big deal about a Sausage, Egg, and CHEESE McMuffin and that "Weird parents make weird kids." I really needed to hear the words spoken and to not make a big deal about the little things and to rejoice in the moment. Also, to save my best for my family rather than giving my best to everyone else. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family that make my life filled with joy and smiles. When we returned from conference to pick up the boys, Eric puked ALL over me! The poor kid has his first stomach bug, but we though it was just something he ate. We went to Stake Conference on Sunday, but left early because Eric had a sad little face as he told me, "My tummy hurts." We were really afraid he would throw up at Church, so we left before anything could happen. He fell asleep in the car, but when he woke up, he was sick again. He held down Pepto Bismal and some Ginger Ale, so hopefully this won't last too long. As for my goal to stress less, I did okay. I am still striving to relax and to take some time for myself. I am hoping to attend a seminar on essential oils and order some Chinese herbs to help with the pain I have now become accustomed to as my constant companion. I am hoping that I can find some relief, because I am amazed to realize how pain makes a person very cranky and a bit over sensitive, and I don't want to be that way towards anyone. Wish me luck, and until next week...
Me as "The BUNCO Queen" |
My Cake Ball "Spooky Sampler" I am offering for the month of October |
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Another week and the frog story
Well things are back to normal, well as normal as we can be...The week was filled with interesting events and lots of laughs, love, and memories. Monday was spent shopping and getting blood work done. While at the doctor's office I was sure my arm would shrivel up from the amount of blood they had to take...but it didn't. That evening we went for ice cream as a family because it is a tradition that if anyone in the family has to be poked by a needle, we all get ice cream.
Playing after we got ice cream |
Wednesday came the Internet Guy! Now we have high speed Internet! On Thursday it was a constant go-go-go day! I started out dropping Eric at a sitter, then taking Alex to school. After Alex was situated I went to the "Room-Mom" meeting. After the meeting I went to our local resale shop and got ripped off! Then I went to the doctor for my "woman visit" and for an unexpected ultrasound. Then I went back to pick up Eric, went to my mom's house to let the dogs out. Then we went to pickup Alex, car wash, then to a meeting for a committee I am on at Church. After the meeting, we played at the park for a little bit and chatted with friends, then home to have a play date, then make dinner and bed! I am tired just remembering that day. Friday morning was beautiful as we headed to the park to play. That morning I received lots of news. First from the doctor's office that said that all my blood work came back fairly normal (this sounds good, but it is a bit frustrating because we can't figure out what's going on), then from my OB/GYN saying they found a cyst. Well, what a day...and it was only 11:30! I then spent the rest of the day at home until James came home and we went to dinner and perused the mall. James then packed his things and went on a scout camp out early Saturday morning. After he left we went to Lowes to make a "fun house mirror", then to a Scentsy Party. We made it home by 3:00 and were tired. After a brief nap we trudged on to the grocery store for some awesome deals :).
Alex liked making silly faces in his mirror |
The boys showing off their fun house mirrors |
Now, one thing I left out about Saturday...the frog. It started when I was putting laundry away and I noticed a little frog perched over a door in our hallway. I am NOT a frog person...especially when said frog is above my head and could possible jump down at any time. Since James was gone I called my mom. After being teased about "the scary frog" my parents came to get rid of the frog. The story should end there, but it doesn't. When my parents arrived...the frog disappeared! As you may imagine, this only increased the teasing and silly comments. Well, after about thirty minutes of looking, they decided that the frog was gone and they left. Well, that brings me to Sunday morning when I go to get the boys ready for church. Mr. Frog was hiding in the basket of the boys tub toys and decided to go for a dip when I started to fill the tub for the boy's bath. After Alex leaped out of the tub screaming like a girl and I am trying to muster up the courage to catch the slimy little goober, I grab a piece of Tupperware and catch the frog. Well, we tried to free him, but he wouldn't leave! I finally just left the container outside because he wouldn't leave no matter how far I tipped the container or tapped on it! So, that's the frog story.
Where the frog started |
![]() |
He was a little cute |
![]() |
After I caught him |
Well, Sunday was church without James. This is never a good thing because Eric is not a fan of Daddy being gone, so he wouldn't stay in Nursery and this made things a bit difficult as I tried to teach the kids. After church we went to my parents home for dinner and a movie and James was there! I missed him so much and we were all so happy to see him. Now we are home and getting ready for bed, Daddy is reading a book and the boys are in their pajamas and cuddled up with the blankies. This has been quite a week, but I look forward to next week and I have some goals for myself. My main goal is to stress less. I may not know why I am feeling the way I am or why I am sick and have the symptoms I do, but I know that stress makes it worse and that I could really use less stress, or better stress management in my life. I am very blessed to have a wonderful husband and two amazing little boys. Alex has been amazing this last week. He has always seemed to know when I need a hug, and he has been super helpful around the house and with Eric. Alex has a special spirit and I am definitely blessed to be his mommy. My heart is full and my eyes are tired, so until next week...
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
My Wednesday Post
Well, my blog post ended up being on Wednesday this week because I FINALLY have high speed Internet! I couldn't handle "losing" my blog post every time I tried to post it, so I waited until the Satellite Guy came to install our Internet. Our week was pretty standard last week as we went shopping, school, and story time, and all that jazz. Some things were a bit different though. My final cake class was postponed...a little frustrating! We were able to visit with friends and celebrate a birthday...Alex always is up for birthday cake! Saturday and Sunday were General Conference! I love having the opportunity to listen to our prophets and being able to be taught through modern day revelation and being reminded of who I am personally and who I stand for. I did miss Saturday morning due to a doctor's appointment, but unfortunately I had to go to the doctor.
I have been having some health issues that have been hard for me to deal with, but I am working through it. I find it interesting that it is not just the illnesses, but also the emotional ties that go with my health. I am waiting for lab results...waiting...and waiting! I pray that one day my body will decide to behave itself and just do what it is supposed to do. Fortunately, the Magnesium and Aleve is helping with the pain, but the Magnesium wreaks havoc on my tummy. I am hoping that when my lab results come in that the doctor will look at them and say, "Oh, here is the problem, and here is the simple solution." I doubt that will happen, but I can hope. Until then, I will continue to endure the pain and itching and the need to stay a general temperature so as to not be too cold, or too hot, and of course the ever pleasant...keeping away from water.
This entry has been a bit scattered, but lately that is how my brain has been working. One day it will either get it together, or it will explode...either away the results will be amazing! I am ever grateful for my boys and that Alex seems to know when I need a hug, and when to quit arguing with Eric so that I can cope with what's going on. I am grateful that James has been and always is my rock. He has always been there to listen and to offer me encouragement and blessings. I am, especially grateful that he cleaned the bathrooms for me this past weekend. I was actually having nightmares about having to clean the bathrooms and the pain that would ensue from working with water and possible sweating. He then stepped in, and without being asked, cleaned the bathrooms top to bottom for me. I am so blessed and I must remember to count my blessings and not my woes.
Well, I guess that's it for now, but I will post again on Sunday. Oh, and here are some absolutely adorable pictures that my mother-in-law took on Sunday of the boys! Enjoy!
I have been having some health issues that have been hard for me to deal with, but I am working through it. I find it interesting that it is not just the illnesses, but also the emotional ties that go with my health. I am waiting for lab results...waiting...and waiting! I pray that one day my body will decide to behave itself and just do what it is supposed to do. Fortunately, the Magnesium and Aleve is helping with the pain, but the Magnesium wreaks havoc on my tummy. I am hoping that when my lab results come in that the doctor will look at them and say, "Oh, here is the problem, and here is the simple solution." I doubt that will happen, but I can hope. Until then, I will continue to endure the pain and itching and the need to stay a general temperature so as to not be too cold, or too hot, and of course the ever pleasant...keeping away from water.
This entry has been a bit scattered, but lately that is how my brain has been working. One day it will either get it together, or it will explode...either away the results will be amazing! I am ever grateful for my boys and that Alex seems to know when I need a hug, and when to quit arguing with Eric so that I can cope with what's going on. I am grateful that James has been and always is my rock. He has always been there to listen and to offer me encouragement and blessings. I am, especially grateful that he cleaned the bathrooms for me this past weekend. I was actually having nightmares about having to clean the bathrooms and the pain that would ensue from working with water and possible sweating. He then stepped in, and without being asked, cleaned the bathrooms top to bottom for me. I am so blessed and I must remember to count my blessings and not my woes.
Well, I guess that's it for now, but I will post again on Sunday. Oh, and here are some absolutely adorable pictures that my mother-in-law took on Sunday of the boys! Enjoy!
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Alex |
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Eric |
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Veggin' Out!
Sorry for the late blog post, but after the Scout Fireside last night I passed out! I think this week has been a bit exhausting. The week started as any other week pretty much. I went and did my grocery shopping and some other cleaning and stuff. Tuesday Alex went to school and Eric went to Tumbling Class. When I picked up Alex from school I was informed that a kid had pushed him and really hurt his feelings. When the teacher confronted the kid, he said that Alex had pushed him first. The teacher knew that this was not true, but when Alex heard what the kid had said he looked up at her with tears rolling down his cheeks and said, "I didn't push him, I'm a sweet boy." Well, his teacher's heart just melted and he was given a big hug. Alex has such a tender heart at times. That night, we went to dinner with my parents and ate at Las Fuentes. On Wednesday we went to story time as we always do and the boys had a blast! We talked about frogs at Eric's story time and Peanut Butter and Jelly at Alex's. We also checked out some CDs by the Veggie Tales to prepare us for the fun times we were going to have on Saturday. After the library I went to the doctor to talk to her about my thyroid and some other issues I have been having, I am still waiting on lab results. On Thursday Alex went to school and had another great day. When I picked him up, there was a "Good Manners Report" in his backpack! I am so proud of my big boy. While Alex was at school, Eric and I made a trip to Conroe and delivered cake balls and cheesecakes to James' work. Those men really keep me n business with all of their orders! That night I went to my cake class, but I was exhausted! I had really contemplated calling Stacie and asking her to take some notes for me and I would call her later for the details, but I went and was glad I did. I am so grateful to have friends that I can chit-chat with about anything and that we can share in each other's joys and trials. After talking for just a few minutes I felt lighter hearted and not quite as exhausted.
Friday took us down to GiGi's house! We love going to visit and we wish we could go more often. Eric spent a lot of time cuddling with GiGi. There is a baby visiting in GiGi's home and my boys got to see what a REALLY tiny baby looks like. Eric was curious, but not that interested. Alex wanted to hold the baby, and love the baby, and check his toes and his hair, and pretty much anything he could. Then I was informed that we needed a baby for our house...I wish it was that easy. Then, before we left the glorious League City, we went to visit Julie (my favorite hair dresser) and all got haircuts. With stunning new "do's" we headed back to Magnolia to prepare for date night. The boys went to play at a friend's house while James and I went on a date...yes, a real date. We met up for dinner at Outback steak house. We were so excited because we found a gift card that we forgot we had, so it was like finding $25 in an old coat! We went and really had a terrible time! The food was down-right GROSS! I was shocked, I used to love their food, but I guess they were having a bad night as there were lots of complaints. The good thing is that our server was very attentive and sweet to us. I was really irritated that the manager got upset with her, when our negative comments were not about her and we even made sure that we mentioned how great she had been. Finally, one of our meals was removed from our bill and we left with upset tummies and a bit of disappointment. As we were leaving the hostess decided to get a bit of an attitude with James and after I informed her that she was talking about my husband (I left behind James) she turned red and said, "Whatever!" I called Outback later and informed them that they should be embarrassed by the food and by the behavior of their hostess. Well, since dinner was a downer, we went and played black-light mini golf. We had a ton of fun and we were able to end the night on a positive note. After picking up our boys we went to bed because Saturday was filled with tons of fun!
Saturday we started our day with the trip to Lowes to build firetrucks and to get to see a real firetrucks. Well, the ones we were supposed to build were recalled, so that didn't work, but the boys got to look at the firetrucks and check out all the fun equipment.
Then, we went to Chick-fil-A to play and run off all of our pent up energy. For the first time in I don't know how long, we all came home and took a nap! We all slept for TWO HOURS! The sleep was much needed for all of us and definitely helped us not be so cranky. We then got ready to go see the Veggie Tales, but first we went to look at a house. The house was one that we had looked at for a while and it really gave us a taste of what is on the market and what e really want and don't want in a house. After the walk-through we drove to Sugarland for the concert. Veggie Tales was AMAZING! The boys got cute little hats and we all sang and danced to our favorite songs. I have loved the Veggie Tales since Middle School and I love that my boys love them too. We really enjoyed watching the boys sing and dance. Eric has quite some moves! I cannot express how much fun we had and the memories that we will keep with us forever.
My silly boys in their silly hats! |
Veggie Tales Live! |
James had to wear the Bob the Tomato hat! |
All in all, this week has been amazing! We were able to spend time together as a family and still accomplished most of what we needed to. I am very grateful that I have the gospel in my life. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to g through life without a knowledge of who you are or even to go through life without a purpose or a goal. I pray that I remember to keep a grateful heart and to remember that no matter what kind of day I am having, Heavenly Father loves me and He wants me to succeed. It may sound a bit cheesy, but this is the Veggie Tales song that has been going through my mind all week, and at times I think that it has kept me going. So enjoy, and until next week...
My Day
In my bed I start to pray
And tell God all about my day
I woke up in my little bed
And put my hat upon my head
Cleaned my room and cleared my dishes
Told mom breakfast was delicious
I went to school, learned something new
And tried to follow every rule
I studied my vocabulary
Had some fun with Bob and Larry
And so it's good to know
How much you love me…it's true
The bible says you do
You really love me
Your love was with me all throughout my day
I some how over looked my bed
Seems my dog is underfed
Forgot to change my underclothes
Watched one to many T.V. shows
I had some trouble sharing toys
and during rest time, made some noise
Walls are not for coloring
Sometimes I'm off key when I sing
And so it's really good to know
How much you love me…it's true
The bible says you do
You really love me
Your love was with me all throughout my day
In my bed so quietly
I rest in knowing God Loves Me!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Just Another Week...Or Was It?
Here I sit, and I am trying to reflect back on the week and can't really think of anything fun and exciting to write about. The week seems to just go and go until I hit Sunday and wonder what I have done all week. The highlights that I can recall start with Monday. Monday involved going to lunch with some friends to celebrate a birthday! I love getting together with the girls and letting the kids play. On Tuesday Alex went to school, Eric went to Tumbling and that evening I went to Bunco. I love Bunco night! There is nothing better than sharing good food, laughs, and no kids! James was able to hang out with a friend as they watched all the kids! I have some amazing friends and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Wednesday we went to the library and talked like pirates! The librarians are amazing and they are so creative. We checked out a CD from the library that is the VeggieTales "Silly Songs with Larry". We love VeggieTales in our house!
Thursday morning Alex told me his throat was a little sore, but after breakfast he seemed to be okay. While Alex was at school, Eric and I had lunch with James and did a little shopping for my cake class. When I returned to Alex's school his teacher told me that he had been really tired all day and wouldn't eat much. My poor Alex was feeling "really tired". I took him home and prepared for my cake class. Our wonderful babysitter came over and watched my rug rats as I went to Hobby Lobby for class. By the time I got out, James had come home and relieved our babysitter. Alex was SICK. He had a fever and looked HORRIBLE! Obviously, Friday morning we went to the doctor's office to see what Alex had caught now.
Now, as some people know, I am a bit of an outspoken person when I need to be, and this was a day that I needed to be. My patience was running out as I sat in the waiting room for over and hour waiting and waiting and watching people who had gotten there after me go in...we won't even go into THAT issue. When I finally was called to the receptionist desk to make my co payment, and ambulance pulled up and they were picking up a young lady to take to the hospital. This was an emergency and the lights and sirens were on as the ambulance parked in line with the door to the office. Then, a woman bursts into the waiting room and starts swearing and throwing out gruesome profanities as she is ticked off that the ambulance is "blocking her in". Well, since my fuse was already a bit short, I lost it and loudly informed the woman that she should refrain from using such colorful language in a PEDIATRIC office, especially around MY children, and that it is obviously an emergency and that someone else had to be more important right then. I could not believe the audacity of this woman! I was fuming! The woman stormed out, yelled at her daughter, got in her car, and waited! Nobody said a word to me, but the receptionist was a bit shocked that I raised my voice at this woman...I'm sorry, but someone had to do it.
Finally, we are seen by the PA. My poor Alex has now developed a lovely rash all over his pale body and looks like something the cat brought in. The doctor confirms that he has strep throat that has gone systemic and scarlatina. Poor Alex can never just catch a cold. When he is sick he goes all out. Then after the PA left to write his prescription, a med student and a doctor come into the exam room. They inform me of who they are and ask if they can look at Alex's throat. I see no problem in this, but warn them that because his throat hurts, his gag reflex is really sensitive. Well, that student decided she could handle it and shoved that popsicle stick in his mouth and looked. Alex then coughed in her face (not intentionally of course). The student flipped out! She ran to the sink and stared flushing her eyes as if hydrochloric acid was in them! She even used soap! The doctor was trying to help her when I just looked at them and said, "You shouldn't become a pediatrician if you are a germaphobe!" The doctor tried not to laugh as I just stood there and the student was still splashing water all over the place. I wonder if she will rethink her studies?
Well, since Alex is sick, I skipped the Home and Garden Market that I had won tickets to and stayed home cuddling my boys and doing LOTS of laundry. When James came home on Saturday afternoon, we played games and watched movies. I think I really liked having "nothing to do". Sunday came and is now almost gone. Eric and I went to Church and we left James and Alex at home. I introduced the Junior Primary to "Freddy the Singing Frog" and they loved him. I think that he will have to come back because I don't think that they have ever sounded as beautiful. Eric went to Nursery without a hitch and had to sing "Jesus Wants Me for a Cow"...maybe one day he will sing it right. After we came home, James had made dinner, my favorite, spaghetti. Later we took a drive to look at some neighborhoods and homes. I love discussing what our goals are and seeing that we have differences, but together we complement each other's strengths and abilities. I am so blessed to have an amazing husband who would go to the ends of the earth for me. I love being his wife and looking towards eternity together.
Next week will bring new adventures and some of the same ones we have every week. I pray that Alex will feel better and be able to go back to school and that his rash goes away. We have tickets to go see VeggieTales Live and I think I am more excited than the kids! I know that no matter what happens this week, my Heavenly Father is with me and that He loves me and wants me to do my very best, and He will pick up the rest. Until next week...
Thursday morning Alex told me his throat was a little sore, but after breakfast he seemed to be okay. While Alex was at school, Eric and I had lunch with James and did a little shopping for my cake class. When I returned to Alex's school his teacher told me that he had been really tired all day and wouldn't eat much. My poor Alex was feeling "really tired". I took him home and prepared for my cake class. Our wonderful babysitter came over and watched my rug rats as I went to Hobby Lobby for class. By the time I got out, James had come home and relieved our babysitter. Alex was SICK. He had a fever and looked HORRIBLE! Obviously, Friday morning we went to the doctor's office to see what Alex had caught now.
Now, as some people know, I am a bit of an outspoken person when I need to be, and this was a day that I needed to be. My patience was running out as I sat in the waiting room for over and hour waiting and waiting and watching people who had gotten there after me go in...we won't even go into THAT issue. When I finally was called to the receptionist desk to make my co payment, and ambulance pulled up and they were picking up a young lady to take to the hospital. This was an emergency and the lights and sirens were on as the ambulance parked in line with the door to the office. Then, a woman bursts into the waiting room and starts swearing and throwing out gruesome profanities as she is ticked off that the ambulance is "blocking her in". Well, since my fuse was already a bit short, I lost it and loudly informed the woman that she should refrain from using such colorful language in a PEDIATRIC office, especially around MY children, and that it is obviously an emergency and that someone else had to be more important right then. I could not believe the audacity of this woman! I was fuming! The woman stormed out, yelled at her daughter, got in her car, and waited! Nobody said a word to me, but the receptionist was a bit shocked that I raised my voice at this woman...I'm sorry, but someone had to do it.
Finally, we are seen by the PA. My poor Alex has now developed a lovely rash all over his pale body and looks like something the cat brought in. The doctor confirms that he has strep throat that has gone systemic and scarlatina. Poor Alex can never just catch a cold. When he is sick he goes all out. Then after the PA left to write his prescription, a med student and a doctor come into the exam room. They inform me of who they are and ask if they can look at Alex's throat. I see no problem in this, but warn them that because his throat hurts, his gag reflex is really sensitive. Well, that student decided she could handle it and shoved that popsicle stick in his mouth and looked. Alex then coughed in her face (not intentionally of course). The student flipped out! She ran to the sink and stared flushing her eyes as if hydrochloric acid was in them! She even used soap! The doctor was trying to help her when I just looked at them and said, "You shouldn't become a pediatrician if you are a germaphobe!" The doctor tried not to laugh as I just stood there and the student was still splashing water all over the place. I wonder if she will rethink her studies?
Well, since Alex is sick, I skipped the Home and Garden Market that I had won tickets to and stayed home cuddling my boys and doing LOTS of laundry. When James came home on Saturday afternoon, we played games and watched movies. I think I really liked having "nothing to do". Sunday came and is now almost gone. Eric and I went to Church and we left James and Alex at home. I introduced the Junior Primary to "Freddy the Singing Frog" and they loved him. I think that he will have to come back because I don't think that they have ever sounded as beautiful. Eric went to Nursery without a hitch and had to sing "Jesus Wants Me for a Cow"...maybe one day he will sing it right. After we came home, James had made dinner, my favorite, spaghetti. Later we took a drive to look at some neighborhoods and homes. I love discussing what our goals are and seeing that we have differences, but together we complement each other's strengths and abilities. I am so blessed to have an amazing husband who would go to the ends of the earth for me. I love being his wife and looking towards eternity together.
Next week will bring new adventures and some of the same ones we have every week. I pray that Alex will feel better and be able to go back to school and that his rash goes away. We have tickets to go see VeggieTales Live and I think I am more excited than the kids! I know that no matter what happens this week, my Heavenly Father is with me and that He loves me and wants me to do my very best, and He will pick up the rest. Until next week...
Monday, September 13, 2010
This has been another week packed with being busy, new experiences, and alot of the regular stuff that has become routine for us. Monday was Labor Day and GiGi was here. While James took Alex fishing for the first time, GiGi, Eric and I went shopping. James and Alex had alot of fun! They caught two fish and a turtle. Alex was very proud of his catches and learning to cast his line and being a big boy with Daddy. Then they had a bit of drama. They had tossed back one of the fish and the turtle, alex insisted on keeping one of the fish. Without realizing that Alex didn't quite understand the whole fishing experience, James proceeded to "prepare the fish" to take home. Alex FLIPPED OUT! All Alex could say to James was, "You killed that poor little fish!" Poor James was heartbroken and sure he had traumatized Alex fr life. After a little talk and an ice cream Alex started to understand why we fish and that the fish was not for his fish tank. Then, with sad eyes he asked Daddy if they could get a new fish for his aquarium, and of course, they did. As a family we shared a yummy lunch and kissed GiGi goodbye. The weekend ended on a very high note.
Tuesday was Alex's first day of school! He was so excited. He had his backpack on and was ready about an hour before it was time to go. I took some pictures of Alex and then Eric lost it completely. Eric did not want "his Alex" to go to school without him. I dealt with a wailing and screaming Eric for almost an hour! Then Eric and I went to Tumbling Class and he seemed to forget for a little while that his Alex wasn't there. When we picked up Alex, he was all smiles. He loves school and he really enjoyed telling me about all the fun things they did. That evening we went to Las Fuentes to celebrate me surviving my 46 day diet and Alex's first day of school.
Wednesday was the typical day. We went to story time at the library and then James had scouts that night, so it was just me and the boys. Wednesday was a bit difficult for me because sadly we had another miscarriage. We had really thought and hoped that this pregnancy would stick, but I guess it is just not time yet. ..."the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.(Old Testament Job 1:21)"
Thursday Alex went back to school. He was still all smiles, but told that he had to practice keeping his pencil box quiet. We then went home and did some cleaning. That evening I went to make cake class and the boys favorite babysitter came over. I am taking a fondant and gum paste class to brush up on my skills. I think its gonna be alot of fun and I have a friend taking it too, so even better. When I got home Alex went on and on about how much he LOVED his babysitter and that she is SO COOL! I am grateful to live in a ward where we have such upstanding youth that I trust completely with my boys.
Friday we decided to go to Conroe and have lunch with Daddy. We went to one of our favorite places and spent a good hour together. That evening James went camping with the scouts in Montgomery. We sure did miss him. Alex then decided that I needed to have some "guy talk" with him because Daddy wasn't there. This is the conversation we had...
Alex: "so mommy, everything poops."
Me: "yup, that's right, if it eats, it poops."
Alex: "so where does it come from?"
Me: "ummm your hiney?"
Alex: "well duh!" "I mean, what is poop?"
Me: "well, its food that our body doesn't use, its the leftovers of what we eat." (I felt pretty satisfied with that answer)
Alex: "oh, ok."..."I AM POOP!"
Me: "WHAT! Where did you get that from? You're not food."
Alex: "Well, if an alligator eats me, then I will become poop."
Saturday and Sunday were pretty normal. The boys and I went to a Lowes workshop and built dog leash holders.
James came home that afternoon and we spent time watching movies and just spending time together as a family. Church was pretty typical, and we all were in our own classes and did our own things. We went driving after Church and looked at some neighborhoods and dreamed of houses that we would love to live in. Now as I sit here and update James and the boys are building towers with blocks, the dogs are eating, and there is a low rumble of thunder outside. I am so blessed and i feel Heavenly Father's love for me every single day. I feel it as I smile and as I cry. I try to remember Him in all that I do and I try to stay focused on what is important and not get too wrapped up in the world. I am hoping that even though this week will be busy and filled with lots of different things, that I can remember to slow down and enjoy the little moments I have. As I have reflected on 9/11 and also on Hurricane Ike, I have tried to remember to count my blessings and to help those around me, and to teach my children to be grateful and upstanding boys that will grow to become righteous men and fathers. I love our country and I love that I am able to think for myself and that the Lord has blessed me with a mind and an intellect so that i can develop my talents and knowledge. Whew, that was a little deep...well, until next week.
Alex's Fish |
Tuesday was Alex's first day of school! He was so excited. He had his backpack on and was ready about an hour before it was time to go. I took some pictures of Alex and then Eric lost it completely. Eric did not want "his Alex" to go to school without him. I dealt with a wailing and screaming Eric for almost an hour! Then Eric and I went to Tumbling Class and he seemed to forget for a little while that his Alex wasn't there. When we picked up Alex, he was all smiles. He loves school and he really enjoyed telling me about all the fun things they did. That evening we went to Las Fuentes to celebrate me surviving my 46 day diet and Alex's first day of school.
Alex ready for Preschool |
Eric NOT ready for Alex to go to school |
Wednesday was the typical day. We went to story time at the library and then James had scouts that night, so it was just me and the boys. Wednesday was a bit difficult for me because sadly we had another miscarriage. We had really thought and hoped that this pregnancy would stick, but I guess it is just not time yet. ..."the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.(Old Testament Job 1:21)"
Thursday Alex went back to school. He was still all smiles, but told that he had to practice keeping his pencil box quiet. We then went home and did some cleaning. That evening I went to make cake class and the boys favorite babysitter came over. I am taking a fondant and gum paste class to brush up on my skills. I think its gonna be alot of fun and I have a friend taking it too, so even better. When I got home Alex went on and on about how much he LOVED his babysitter and that she is SO COOL! I am grateful to live in a ward where we have such upstanding youth that I trust completely with my boys.
Friday we decided to go to Conroe and have lunch with Daddy. We went to one of our favorite places and spent a good hour together. That evening James went camping with the scouts in Montgomery. We sure did miss him. Alex then decided that I needed to have some "guy talk" with him because Daddy wasn't there. This is the conversation we had...
Alex: "so mommy, everything poops."
Me: "yup, that's right, if it eats, it poops."
Alex: "so where does it come from?"
Me: "ummm your hiney?"
Alex: "well duh!" "I mean, what is poop?"
Me: "well, its food that our body doesn't use, its the leftovers of what we eat." (I felt pretty satisfied with that answer)
Alex: "oh, ok."..."I AM POOP!"
Me: "WHAT! Where did you get that from? You're not food."
Alex: "Well, if an alligator eats me, then I will become poop."
Saturday and Sunday were pretty normal. The boys and I went to a Lowes workshop and built dog leash holders.
Dog Leash holders. One for Mason and one for Moroni! |
Look what we made! |
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Tumbles, Teachers, and Tons of Baking!
This has been quite a busy week this week. I started my week with babysitting rather than grocery shopping. Alex and Eric love going to their friend's house and playing. Eric loves playing dress up and being a "princess"...I will worry about it if he gets older and still likes to dress like a princess. That evening I went shopping later that night and I was amazed that I got everything done in under an hour...what a difference it makes without kids in tow.
Tuesday is Tumbling day for Eric. This kid is NUTS! He loves to run and jump and play! At one point he had his instructor laughing hysterically! The kids were supposed to practice front rolls on a cylindrical mat. Eric took a running start and dove onto the mat! The mat rolled forward and he held on tight and rolled all around the room attached to that mat! He finally let go and landed on his back and just laughed and laughed! He loves having a place where he gets to do whatever he wants and is safe. Eric is always full of smiles and energy, he is such an active spirit.
Wednesday we went back to the library and spent half the day there playing, reading, and spending time together. Thursday was the day that Alex was able to go to his school and meet his teacher! He was so excited and walked n like he owned the place. He can't wait to start school on Tuesday and play with his friends. I am excited for him, and for the time that I can spend with Eric while Alex is gone for a few hours.
Friday was VERY busy! I attended and a birthday bruncheon and was able to enjoy some girl talk while the kids played. I love all my friends and how much fun we have together. After the brunch, I headed to Conroe to make some deliveries. I had been baking all week! I had five orders of cake ball and three cheesecakes to deliver to James' work! After my delivery, we went to lunch as a family and enjoyed a yummy meal. Then we headed home and did some scrubbing for the weekend.
Saturday GiGi came and we went to a BBQ. The BBQ was hosted by a good friend of ours and he is also a business associate of James'. We shared good food, good times, and some pretty good weather. The humidity has been fairly low and you can actually be outside without melting instantly. We then came home and rested and shared a yummy homemade fish dinner. I prepared some yummy pan broiled Swaii and veggies. GiGi and I then were able to sit and talk and laugh. Alex and Eric really had us laughing with their dancing and animal impressions. I love spending time with my family.
Today we went to Church and then went to my parent's home for dinner. Dinner was delicious and the company was great. The boys love to see their Bopper and Papa and to play at their new home. I enjoy having y parents close by for support. Now, I sit here updating my blog as James and Alex are preparing for their little fishing trip in the morning and GiGi is still here and we are making plans for the day. I definitely will be doing my grocery shopping, as well as a few other stores that we only have up here in Magnolia and Conroe, as well as preparing a yummy lunch before GiGi leaves. All in all, it has been a pretty good week. This week has been very busy, and at times stressful, but I can look back, sigh a contented sigh, and smile. This week is sure to bring lots of excitement as Alex starts school and I start my newest cake class. Until next week...
Tuesday is Tumbling day for Eric. This kid is NUTS! He loves to run and jump and play! At one point he had his instructor laughing hysterically! The kids were supposed to practice front rolls on a cylindrical mat. Eric took a running start and dove onto the mat! The mat rolled forward and he held on tight and rolled all around the room attached to that mat! He finally let go and landed on his back and just laughed and laughed! He loves having a place where he gets to do whatever he wants and is safe. Eric is always full of smiles and energy, he is such an active spirit.
Wednesday we went back to the library and spent half the day there playing, reading, and spending time together. Thursday was the day that Alex was able to go to his school and meet his teacher! He was so excited and walked n like he owned the place. He can't wait to start school on Tuesday and play with his friends. I am excited for him, and for the time that I can spend with Eric while Alex is gone for a few hours.
Friday was VERY busy! I attended and a birthday bruncheon and was able to enjoy some girl talk while the kids played. I love all my friends and how much fun we have together. After the brunch, I headed to Conroe to make some deliveries. I had been baking all week! I had five orders of cake ball and three cheesecakes to deliver to James' work! After my delivery, we went to lunch as a family and enjoyed a yummy meal. Then we headed home and did some scrubbing for the weekend.
Saturday GiGi came and we went to a BBQ. The BBQ was hosted by a good friend of ours and he is also a business associate of James'. We shared good food, good times, and some pretty good weather. The humidity has been fairly low and you can actually be outside without melting instantly. We then came home and rested and shared a yummy homemade fish dinner. I prepared some yummy pan broiled Swaii and veggies. GiGi and I then were able to sit and talk and laugh. Alex and Eric really had us laughing with their dancing and animal impressions. I love spending time with my family.
Today we went to Church and then went to my parent's home for dinner. Dinner was delicious and the company was great. The boys love to see their Bopper and Papa and to play at their new home. I enjoy having y parents close by for support. Now, I sit here updating my blog as James and Alex are preparing for their little fishing trip in the morning and GiGi is still here and we are making plans for the day. I definitely will be doing my grocery shopping, as well as a few other stores that we only have up here in Magnolia and Conroe, as well as preparing a yummy lunch before GiGi leaves. All in all, it has been a pretty good week. This week has been very busy, and at times stressful, but I can look back, sigh a contented sigh, and smile. This week is sure to bring lots of excitement as Alex starts school and I start my newest cake class. Until next week...
Monday, August 30, 2010
I was bad! I should have posted yesterday, but after getting home from my in-law's house, I fell asleep. This has been quite a week for our little family. We have done so much and really feel like we are constantly busy, but I think busy is okay, as long as it doesn't become too much. Our weeks start out bright and early Monday morning. Monday is always grocery shopping day, and anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE to grocery shop! I get such a feeling of accomplishment that it gives me my confidence boost for the week (I know weird, huh?). That's exactly what this Monday was like. I went shopping. I was so pleased though as I went to CVS this week. They were currently out of an item that I figured they would be and then I became frustrated as I talked to a manager about an item, that was supposed the be on sale. This item was very specific, and as I went down the aisle, they had every other form of the product except that specific one! When I asked the manager, he kinda shrugged me off and said that they didn't carry it...whatever! I gathered my other items and went to checkout. Poor kid that was working the register! When he asked, "Did you find everything you were looking for?" I answered with an exasperated, "No!" then proceeded to tell this poor boy how frustrated I was. Then he simply asked me to please wait a moment and he picked up the phone and dialed another store. He explained my situation and asked them to hold the two products I was looking for! I couldn't believe it! The MANAGER wouldn't help me, but this teenager was determined to help me out! Needless to say, I called CVS on the corporate level and complimented him and his wonderful customer service!
Tuesday was such an awesome day! Eric had his very first tumbling class! Even though he was a bit upset that Alex wasn't coming with us, he loved it! The class is a Mommy-and-Me class and allows the kids to play and jump in a safe environment and teach them some coordination and skills at the same time. I loved it and so did he! He keeps asking me if he can go to "Tumbing!" Alex was able to go play with a friend while we went. The good things is that when Alex starts school, he will be at school when we are at tumbling. Poor Alex was bitten by three ants while he was playing. When he gets a bite it reminds me of how allergic he is! Those little bites swelled up into a huge purple mass on his foot that took five days to return to normal. The poor guy was having a hard time with his shoe.
Wednesday is story time day at the library. Amazingly, the kids were better this week and I was ready to pull my hair out! Alex's story time was a blast! We talked about odd animals and of course...the platypus. Anyone who knows my kids, knows that they love the platypus. We sang songs and made a paper bag platypus. The whole thing was a blast!
Saturday was great as I took the boys to Lowe's to build their school buses. We go to Lowe's regularly for their activities, but this school bus was stinking tough! After I had been whacked by a hammer hard enough to draw blood (lots of it), we asked to helper if we could have another kit to take home and do right. I messed it up in the beginning, but didn't notice until the end. After we got home, we built the school buses and bandaged my finger. The boys friend came over to play for the afternoon. Usually when they get together there is at least one argument, but I guess since they hadn't seen each other in a while, there was peace, even after Alex got a shovelful of dirt in the mouth! That evening the boys went to Grandma and Grandpa's house so that James and I could go to the temple. We went and apparently once a month they have a session in Mandarin Chinese! So with our little headsets on we went through the session with some friends. Afterwards we were treated to dinner at Perry's (very fancy schmancy for us!). The food was great and the company was even greater. We had a blast.
Sunday was pretty typical. We went to church, and then we proceeded to our classes. I missed my Primary kids and they had tons of fun. Eric went to Nursery without too much trouble and Alex went to Sunbeams and only had to be told to be have once. I guess that is somewhat of a disadvantage to have your mom teach singing time in Primary, because I see everything! I was so happy to see my friends, I felt like it had been forever since I had seen them, but it had only been two weeks! after church, we went to the in-law's for dinner and a movie. The boys love Grandma and Grandpa so much! We got home late and I clipped coupons, then passed out!
Now, I know I just gave the rundown of a very busy week, and maybe you are wondering why the title is schedules. Through this whole week we have been working to get the boys on a schedule, specifically for Alex so that he will be ready to start school. We have a night time routine and a strict bedtime. We have also started chorew charts (this was Alex's idea) and learning time. With all of these things starting, this week went great. The boys behaved better, I wasn't as stressed, and I feel a sense of accomplishment. We are not perfect at it and we definitely flubbed up some things, but we are working on it together as a family. I feel like we are now "of one mind and one purpose." I love my life! I love being a momy and a wife and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I am finally starting to feel a bit more comforatable in my own skin and I thank my Heavenly Father for reminding me of who I am and what I stand for. This next week looks like it is gonna be a busy one, so until next week...
Tuesday was such an awesome day! Eric had his very first tumbling class! Even though he was a bit upset that Alex wasn't coming with us, he loved it! The class is a Mommy-and-Me class and allows the kids to play and jump in a safe environment and teach them some coordination and skills at the same time. I loved it and so did he! He keeps asking me if he can go to "Tumbing!" Alex was able to go play with a friend while we went. The good things is that when Alex starts school, he will be at school when we are at tumbling. Poor Alex was bitten by three ants while he was playing. When he gets a bite it reminds me of how allergic he is! Those little bites swelled up into a huge purple mass on his foot that took five days to return to normal. The poor guy was having a hard time with his shoe.
Wednesday is story time day at the library. Amazingly, the kids were better this week and I was ready to pull my hair out! Alex's story time was a blast! We talked about odd animals and of course...the platypus. Anyone who knows my kids, knows that they love the platypus. We sang songs and made a paper bag platypus. The whole thing was a blast!
Thursday we went to see the dinosaur exhibit at the Houston Zoo. I cannot explain how awesome this was. Dinosaurs are a hot topic in our home and actually getting to see some was beyond cool! We had a lot of fun seeing all the animals and playing. We went through the dinosaur exhibit three times before I finally said that it was time to go home. Alex was able to see how big the dinosaurs really were and Eric, was a bit scared of them and much rather just play with the toy ones. We had lots of fun and enjoyed the time together.
Friday was the day that we took Uncle James home to Waco. My boys LOVE their "Unc Games" as Eric says and they love spending time with him. The drive o and from Waco is LONG, but my boys handle it pretty well and I didn't even get lost this time!
Saturday was great as I took the boys to Lowe's to build their school buses. We go to Lowe's regularly for their activities, but this school bus was stinking tough! After I had been whacked by a hammer hard enough to draw blood (lots of it), we asked to helper if we could have another kit to take home and do right. I messed it up in the beginning, but didn't notice until the end. After we got home, we built the school buses and bandaged my finger. The boys friend came over to play for the afternoon. Usually when they get together there is at least one argument, but I guess since they hadn't seen each other in a while, there was peace, even after Alex got a shovelful of dirt in the mouth! That evening the boys went to Grandma and Grandpa's house so that James and I could go to the temple. We went and apparently once a month they have a session in Mandarin Chinese! So with our little headsets on we went through the session with some friends. Afterwards we were treated to dinner at Perry's (very fancy schmancy for us!). The food was great and the company was even greater. We had a blast.
Sunday was pretty typical. We went to church, and then we proceeded to our classes. I missed my Primary kids and they had tons of fun. Eric went to Nursery without too much trouble and Alex went to Sunbeams and only had to be told to be have once. I guess that is somewhat of a disadvantage to have your mom teach singing time in Primary, because I see everything! I was so happy to see my friends, I felt like it had been forever since I had seen them, but it had only been two weeks! after church, we went to the in-law's for dinner and a movie. The boys love Grandma and Grandpa so much! We got home late and I clipped coupons, then passed out!
Now, I know I just gave the rundown of a very busy week, and maybe you are wondering why the title is schedules. Through this whole week we have been working to get the boys on a schedule, specifically for Alex so that he will be ready to start school. We have a night time routine and a strict bedtime. We have also started chorew charts (this was Alex's idea) and learning time. With all of these things starting, this week went great. The boys behaved better, I wasn't as stressed, and I feel a sense of accomplishment. We are not perfect at it and we definitely flubbed up some things, but we are working on it together as a family. I feel like we are now "of one mind and one purpose." I love my life! I love being a momy and a wife and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I am finally starting to feel a bit more comforatable in my own skin and I thank my Heavenly Father for reminding me of who I am and what I stand for. This next week looks like it is gonna be a busy one, so until next week...
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