Saturday, October 20, 2012

6 months!

Yikes!  Josephine is 6 months old!  That's half of a year!  Can I just admit to you that I am completely over the moon for her and I just can't get enough of her.  She is definitely my little princess.  Here is a quick update of our little girl

Isn't she just PERFECT!

*She sits unsupported!
*Her brothers are her favorite thing to play with
*Her giggles make everyone laugh
*She is super vocal (gee, I can't imagine where that comes from)
*She is still an excellent eater and wants to eat whatever you are eating
*Has the bluest eyes and they make strangers stop in their path! (no joke!)
*She still only has a tiny bit of hair but it is definitely RED
*She will study her toys and objects (beofre they end up in her mouth)
*She still HATES tummy time and yells and throws a temper tantrum until you pick her up
*She has a fiery personality to match that hair
*She is in the 57% for weight and 73% for height
And I think my favorite thing right now is that she gives hugs!

She loves being outside

She is full of pure joy

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